Roof Leak

 Effective Roof Leak Solutions - Protect Your Property

I am giving off the secret here, please read to understand why water is leaking in your house. Many people are looking for roof leakage solution. I have received more than 100 calls from users requesting for solution to their roof. Those people who called me have used tiles, jelly and damp proof to their roof top but still they complaint water is leaking inside the house.

Let me brief you about the nature of the roof then you will understand why you should not use TILES or jelly concrete on top of the ceiling ie., roof (dhylam). Once you have finished you roof conceal, then after 20 days you remove the layers or structures. Now this roof is full of cement liquid which is dried, however you make another layer on top of it, it will not stick together, I mean you form another jelly mixed concrete on top of this roof, (we say second layer), it will never sync or join to the roof. So which means the jelly concrete on top of this will slowly form a layer crack which will allow rain water to enter into the second layer and this water will stay inbetween the roof and the second layer jelly. Which is the main cause for the water leakage.

The another issue many people say, I have used TILES (cooling tiles, plain tiles, terracotta tile) on top of my roof, but why is it leaking water inside the house? i.e.the ceiling. Again you should understand, the gap between the tiles cannot be 100% locked or sealed with white cement or anything else. This will hence allow rain water to enter inside the tiles and thus this water stays inbetween the tiles and the roof.

NOW I have discussed two main issues with the roof solutions which is a failure so far, but still many people dont know they are failure until they become victims. The mayshree /Mason do not know this problem they only do as you request. So what is the solution, I tried and got feedback about damp proofs but they are too failures in most cases, however there are many different method which I welcome. One such practical tried method of my experience is in this video:

This video is all about how to prepare a roof for its water leak arresting, applying Asian paints 'Repair Polymers' solution on roof mixed with cement polymers. I have used it and found no leakage, however please note there is no permanent solution, you may have to repaint this repair polymer every 4-5 years. 

You can contact me for more creative ideas I have. Thank you.

My Youtube videos in water proofing in Tamil:

roof leak solutions, water damage repair, property protection, roof maintenance
#roofLeak #waterLeakSolution #ceilingLeak #cementroofLeak


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